
"We had to work, think, be active"

  • This course was "different." Completely new, unfamiliar contents and methods which have taught me a lot and prompted me to reflect about some things which had never occurred to me beforehand.
  • Even though this seminar lasted six days it was not boring at all. No theoretic drivel; we had to work, think, be active which was mostly achieved through the group exercises. Good structure and very professional.
  • Very good contents, structure, methods and "triggers"; very creative seminar; motivating one's own creativity; contents and methods addressed the very basis of my work as a tour guide and the basis of intercultural communication; very motivating to reflection about many important topics, methods, skills and also motivating to self-reflection; very good teamwork: the structure allowed the equal participation of all participants in a very active way.
  • We were motivated to search for new ways to convey information and to try them out.
  • The methods were unique. Not just academic input, but "heart to heart." This course demonstrated how one can reach tourists intellectually as well as emotionally.

Creative and informative arguments

  • I learned so many new things about my work and was taught how to use my abilities most effectively.
  • I can now better attune to guests who will expect even more of me in the future. I better understand their wishes.
  • I have seen how to structure an argument on the basis of facts and causes. A well-structured argument can help to overcome prejudices.
  • After 13 years in the business it was a great chance for me to learn new methods (from experts).
  • What I found most extraordinary was that I discovered prejudices of my own of which I was unaware. This seminar taught me that I have to strive even harder to be objective.
  • I have become aware of the responsibility that I, as a tour guide, have for my own country. This seminar has enabled me to better present my country to visitors.
  • I have to be courageous enough to discuss new and difficult topics with my guests so that they can better understand my country.

Better understanding tourists - helping them to better understand other countries - building brides between cultures

  • I can understand my vacationers even better now and have moreover a better grasp on important intercultural and global connections. I can give my guest a more differentiated picture of my country.
  • I have learned that being a good guide doesn't only mean knowing a lot of things and being fluent in a language.
  • I will go back to the values of which I had lost view during my long years as a tour guide.
  • I will take away from this seminar a much better understanding and awareness of conditions and factors in intercultural communication and learning processes; a lot of good ideas for the future improvement of my skills, concerning methods of presentation and guiding techniques.
  • I noticed once again that my work is very important for me and for my country. I now see myself as an intercultural teacher and will act accordingly. I will try to build bridges.
  • A tour guide has the opportunity to show tourists the everyday life of the local people, their diligence, their existential problems - and to maybe awaken the visitors' love for the people they are visiting.
  • I will treat my own countrymen with more respect in the future - and will bring my guest to do the same.
  • It was a good experience to see my country from another perspective. See how Europeans and Germans think. It has changed my perception of certain topics. There is more than just black and white, there are also colours in the spectrum. We have to respect different opinions even if they differ from our own.

Personality development

  • I am extremely glad that I could participate in this seminar. It did not only benefit me in respect to my work, but also in respect to my private life.
  • Special thanks and regards to your institute and your country for the super motivation seminar we had in Jordan. It was more than I expected, it enriched me with so much information about so many things and changed my personal view of the world to a better one.
  • Participating in this seminar benefited me personally. It will be always useful in my profession and in private, especially improved reflection, analysis and argumentation skills.

Competent Tainer Team

  • The trainer team was very personable, understanding, cooperative, super friendly; they worked together very harmoniously. They quickly overcame any feeling of distance, were very objective and creative as well.
  • They knew so much about my culture and my mentality. We all learned from them. Thanks!
  • I think they did a great job. I would love to attend another seminar with them.
  • I think this organisation is superb. Your team is really very professional. Keep up the good work and support the process of "development."
  • Every tour guide should at the beginning of his career have the opportunity to participate in such a seminar.
  • It would be great if more such seminars could take place in the future so that our tourism can improve further.